Learning Priorities
Social competence, Language and literacy/Digital Literacy, Numeracy, Problem solving, Confidence and independence, Arts and culture
Social competence
Our tamariki experience a rich and diverse learning environment where they all develop and have a positive attitude towards learning. We provide an environment based on respect, empathy, kindness and aroha towards each other. Emphasis is placed on looking after each other, sharing, and being a good friend. Each tamaiti is affirmed as an individual and encouraged to work with and alongside others.
Language and Literacy
Kaiako integrate language, literacy and communication skills into all areas of our curriculum. Kaiako use open ended questions and engage in authentic conversations with tamariki. Kaiako acknowledge the first language of our tamariki and the importance this plays in their ability to learn another language. Kaiako acknowledge Te Reo Māori and use this in their everyday practice.
Digital Literacy: Kaiako provide opportunities for our tamariki to become confident with digital technology and to ensure they have a base for digital literacy in the primary classroom. Digital technology is seen as a tool for documenting learning and research.
Authentic opportunities are provided for tamariki to develop early numeracy skills and these are woven into all curriculum areas. Tamariki will learn about numbers, shapes, and other early numeracy concepts which will prepare them for the primary school environment.
Problem solving
Kaiako provide children with endless opportunities to engage in and develop early problem solving skills. Our tamariki see themselves as competent learners.
Confidence and independence
Tamariki have confidence in their self-help and self-care skills, and are confident participants in the curriculum. Our tamariki and their whānau know they are valued and respected members of our preschool community and they know they have a place within the preschool.
Arts and culture
Our inner city location means we have the Wellington arts and culture scene at our doorstep. We participate in as many activities and events as possible when they are on offer. This provides our tamariki with rich and diverse learning opportunities as they develop their curiosity of their social world. Kaiako promote the identity, language and culture of our tamariki by actively encouraging whānau to participate in the running of the preschool.