Our Programme
at Capital City Preschool
We follow the principles of Te Whāriki 2017 (The NZ Early Childhood Curriculum) and the NELP (National Education Learning Priorities) as well as the ideas from Te Whatu Pōkeka. We have an individualised teaching and learning programme where we nurture and grow the interests, strengths and passions of our tamariki. Our programme allows tamariki to enjoy a combination of play based and group learning experiences.
This year we are excited to have James from Playball join our extra-curricular programme each Friday. Playball is a fun-filled, high quality session where our tamariki are encouraged to engage in a wide range of age appropriate physical experiences which will prepare them for a life-long love of sports participation.
Our music teacher Talita from Musical Stars teaches our tamariki music theory which includes learning about tone, pitch, beat, and rhythm as well as about different musical instruments and the sounds they make.
Letterland is a unique phonics programme where each letter of the alphabet is represented by a carefully designed pictogram character. This is a multi-sensory programme, enabling all tamatiki to engage, no matter what their learning style.
Excursions provide us with the opportunity to explore the Central City and make the most of places such as Te Papa, Waitangi Park, The Botanical Gardens, Frank Kitts Park, Capital E and the Wellington Libraries. This provides tamariki with the opportunity to form relationships with people and places, as well as to teach our tamariki about road rules and how to keep safe.
Pathways to kura Group
Tamariki join our pathways to kura group 4-6 months before they start kura. The focus for this group of tamariki is to ensure that they have the independence and self-help skills needed for kura, as well as a basic understanding of literacy and numeracy concepts, social skills and the ability to listen and pay attention at group times, all of which will support a smooth transition into kura life.
Te Reo Māori
We are committed to the survival of Te Reo Māori and its ability to thrive in the 21st Century. Te Reo Māori is woven into our curriculum through our values, tikanga practices, books, pepeha, waiata and vocabulary. Our Kaiarataki and leadership team are also ensuring it thrives at the preschool by weaving it into our strategic documentation.