Board of Trustees

Capital City Preschool is a not-for-profit community based early learning service and is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is responsible for promoting the development and implementation of strategic plans, policies and the guiding principles of the Preschool philosophy, vision, values and mission.

The Board of Trustees are mātua | parents of the preschool and they play a vital role in the direction and successful operation of the preschool by ensuring the views of mātua | parents and whānau | family are represented in decision making and ensuring all ako | learners reach their potential while at Capital City Preschool.

The Board and leadership team meet every six weeks throughout the year. Mātua | parents are elected onto the Board at our Annual General Meeting and also throughout the year as necessary. We welcome parents of all currently enrolled students to put their name forward to join and share their skill set with us.  


Chairperson                                                                         Tom Pettit

Vice Chairperson                                                               

Secretary                                                                               Sarah Barnaby

Treasurer                                                                              Alex Doronin




Board Member Jon Daley,

Sophie Buttress

Tumuaki | Professional Leader                                          Lisa Marshall

Kaiarataki Mātauranga | Educational Leader               

Kaimahi | Finance Administrator Tracy Daniels