Nau Mai, Haere Mai.
Welcome to
Capital City Preschool
Te Whare Kōhungahunga o Pōneke.
Preschool Education in the Heart of Wellington City
Inspiring our children’s passion for learning.
Kia kaingākau ā mātou tamariki ki te ako.
Capital City Preschool provides quality education and care for children
aged 2 1/2 -5 years in the heart of Wellington city.
What we offer at
Capital City Preschool
If you would like to know more about our preschool, please arrange a tour with our teaching team, we love seeing new faces.
Teachers & Ratios
We have 6 qualified and certified teachers. While we are licensed for 30 children we like to keep an average roll of 28 children, for a teacher: child ratio of 1:7.
Culture & Identity
Sharing the importance of language, culture and identity, at preschool, home and in our community.
We enjoy regular excursions in and around Wellingtons central Business District e.g Te Papa, Wellington City Library and The Wellington Museum.